Sunday, December 2, 2012

Search Engine Marketing: A Suitable Way

Search engine marketing is one very important part of internet and to be more precise the internet business. Search engine is that portion of the internet when you can put up your questions and it searches for the keywords in the contents available in the World Wide Web. After the search is over the result does come in front of the person who as search for it. In the result there are few thousands of websites which are associated with the keyword or who features the keyword or which has content regarding the keyword. So, one gets loads of options and loads of answers to the questions he or she was about to ask.

The aim of search engine marketing is to promote a website in the internet. Just like any other business the business in internet also needs advertising. As the internet world is vaster and more consolidated than the real world, the advertising must be better and more powerful in order to attract the right kind of customers in here. You may think that how is it possible that the internet world is bigger than the real world, in answer to your that question it can be told that the whole mater rests upon a few things and they are the amount of information and data that is accessible to everyone. When you are doing business in the real world you are competing with the local market. You are doing advertising depending on the reaction of the local market. You need not have to worry about the big bad market unless you grown up and want to spread your wings.

The matter is quite different when it comes to the internet. Here it does not matter whether you are form a little village in Spain or a big town in America, if you can advertise and establish your company with goodwill and reputation, then you will have clients for all around the world. Yes, it may seem a bit unusual, even like a dream at first, but it is the truth. When someone is inquiring about the product or service you offer, in the real world you will get orders from probably another part of the state or from the other part of the country, if you are lucky. In comparison to that when you are searching for the same thing over the internet you can get results from all over the world and you will be able to get information about the product and the maker alright. So, there will be loads of more options for you. It is indeed important that you use search engine marketing in order to promote your website and only then you will have a good chance.

It may seem tough or expensive but when you will actually attempt for search engine marketing you will understand that it is not what you thought about it. If you can use the strategy properly and for your own benefit, then you will be able to get the result you always wanted. This way you will be able to help both you and your website for the good.

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Improve Your Google Rankings

If you are like most internet marketers your goal is to land on the #1 page of Google without having to pay top dollar. Today, I'll show you a few key strategies you can learn right now in order for Google to notice you.

#1 Keyword Research- Npros MLM Rankings, Google Keyword Tool

When it comes to Google Rankings, it's important to find a keyword that is worth ranking for. One that has high traffic and low competition. Google has a great tool called Google keyword tool. It's FREE and easy to use. All you do is type in the word that you are targeting, and bam! It will show you how many people are actually searching for that term each month. You can use Npros and MLM rankings to see what niche is trending.

If you are a beginner, it's BEST not to compete for keywords that are too competitive. You should target traffic that has 800-1500 searches per month with low competition. Just until you get better at SEO stuff. (You're guaranteed to rank A LOT faster this way).

When you do find a good high-traffic, low-competition keyword the first thing you want to do is optimize it.

#2 Google Rankings- Optimization

If you don't know what optimizing means don't worry I'll explain...When it comes to optimization and Google Rankings they both go hand-in-hand. You can optimize keywords using anything from videos, to WordPress blog posts, and articles.The BEST route to go is owning your own stuff such as a WordPress blog or some kind of blogging platform. A great cheap one I've found that's already setup is the Empower Network. They've done all the SEO work, and all you have to do is blog and rank.

#3 Google Rankings- Permalinks

Permalinks are what you see at the top of your browser. And when it comes to optimization, it's best to make sure your keyword is in that permalink.

For example, Furthermore, make sure the keyword is in the title as well. Like if you're writing about network marketing, you want your title to look similar to this "Make money with network marketing." Or something along those lines. Just make sure your keyword is in the title.

Heads up. On all WordPress sites there is a location where you can add 'post tags.' Make sure you include your keyword in that tag. Warning: Do not use irrelevant tags. Stay relevant to your article, and whatever keyword you're ranking for. All the time I see people trying to rank for one keyword, but in their post tags they're using all the wrong words. If you want to improve your Google rankings just stay relevant and targeted to your keyword.

#4 Google Rankings - In your description

Make sure you use the keyword in the description of your article. This way when someone finds your article, and reads the description it will be an exact match to what they're searching for.

#5 Google Rankings - First and last paragraph

It's important to have your keyword in your first and last paragraph, but DO NOT OVERDO it. You have to be in a sweet spot. If you use your keyword too much then the search engines will think you're spamming, and you can kiss your Google rankings goodbye.Google Rankings

#6 Google Rankings - Emphasis

Make sure you emphasize your keyword by using bold text, underline, or italicize. The first time you use the keyword put it in bold. The next time underline it. The next time italicize it. Wherever you feel like you need to make a point.

#7 Google Rankings - H1, H2, H3

What the heck right? These are header tags. Make sure you use your keyword in each of the three header tags. Most blog sites will have an area called "paragraph." In that area it will show you these particular tags. It's best to have three tags with your keyword.

#7 Google Rankings - Keyword Scatter

Don't be afraid to sprinkle your keyword throughout your post. You want it to show in at least 1- 5% of your article. For example, if you have a 500 word article, then scatter your keyword in five percent of that article.

The key is to have a 1-5 percent density in your posts. I usually shoot for somewhere in between. A great free tool to measure the density of your keyword is called SEO quake. It's like having an expert right over your shoulder. It only works with Mozilla Firefox.

#8 Google Rankings-Images

Add images to your blog posts. Make sure it looks eye-appealing. No one wants to read a long boring post without any pictures. When you do add pictures, be sure to add an alternate tag in the image. Most WordPress blogs let you do this.

That alternate tag should be your keyword. You should also add a link in your image taking your prospects to a capture page if you have one. If you don't have one don't worry.

You can create one like I did which takes a very long time. Or you can become familiar with coding. That's okay too. There's a TON of information to help you get over that learning curve.

You can search for days on stuff for how to improve your Google Rankings. But there's a little more than meets the eye.

If you want to increase your Google Rankings, then you MUST learn these strategies that can GUARANTEE you a #1 spot.

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The Job of a Search Engine Marketing Consultant

One of the hottest jobs in today's world is to help online businesses with their marketing. The trend of selling products and services online is soaring very high these days and this has led to a wide increase in the demand of search engine marketing and search engine optimization services. When selling products and services online companies need to have a mechanism and plan outlined that will help them to increase their recognition on the internet. The best way to improve your recognition online is to attain higher ranking on the top search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. This is called search engine optimization.

This newly created industry has created a huge demand for the position of search engine marketing consultant who offers services to every type of online business. It is their skill and hard work that helps companies to reach out to their target audience and make profit. This is why the post of a search engine marketing consultant is so important in today's world.

A search engine marketing consultant works through various techniques to attain the goals set by their clients. The most common method adopted by a search engine marketing consultant is called Pay per click campaign management. In this method the search engine marketing consultant designs an online marketing campaign that is targeted towards the specific goals that their client is hoping to achieve. This marketing campaign usually involves the designing of marketing and promotional material like online banners, advertisements and other attractive links that are placed specifically on websites where a large chunk of the target audience can be found. This helps the consultant to reach out to a niche market and bring back not just quality but quantity traffic to his or her client's website.

The main goal of a marketing consultant is to achieve the desired position that their client wants on the SERP's. For this the search engine marketing consultant designs a paid campaign. The consultant has to research on the perfect keywords and then bid for them on behalf of his / her clients. Those who are dealing with a marketing business would bid for keywords that are related to the industry of marketing businesses which includes marketing agencies and other marketing professionals. By doing so the marketing consultant ensures that his / her client's website appears on the top on the very first pages of Google, Bing, Yahoo and other such search engines. This helps the client's target customers to easily reach the website and gives more credibility and recognition to the client.

A marketing consultant usually has to decide on which network to work on for the client's marketing. The major options available are Microsoft AdCenter and Google AdWords. A good consultant is recognized by his / her ability to work within a tight budget and still produce quality results to yield optimum performance. If the client already has a campaign set, then the consultant helps the client to improve the campaign by enhancing the client's ad groups according to the client's niche market. Once that is done the consultant tries to focus on the CTR aspect of the whole campaign. After that a continuous process goes on in which the consultant keeps on trying to use different campaigns and various types of campaign budgets to see which one works the best for the client. This is how online businesses are able to make more and more profit by hiring an efficient consultant that can help your business succeed.

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Search Engine Marketing Needs Planning

There is huge competition in the market and everybody wants to reach their customers before anybody else could do that. In the world of business, it is important to be consistent and deliver high quality service to the customer so as to reach them more effectively and make them loyal towards your organization. In order to do so, every organization is hunting for new and better strategy to retain the market. Online marketing has now become the most preferred source through which you can effectively identify the target audience and can reach them more conveniently.

Poor website visibility is one of the greatest problem that most of the business owner's faces. It is important to make sure that your site gets proper attention in the internet. To make it visible before the audience it should have the top ranking. In order to do so the most preferred tool is SEM that stands for search engine marketing. It is a way through which you can drive more traffic and increase the chance of better visibility of the site in the search engines. It is popularly known as search marketing. But to apply the technique, you should have some marketing plans:

1. Market Analysis- Do analyze your market and identify your competitors' strength, weaknesses as well as you should know the opportunities that you can get and the threat that you might get from your competitors. It is always a pleasant idea to analyze the market size and the recent trend of the market. The online opportunity section also determines the opportunity that you might achieve through search engine marketing that includes the number of searches of keyword phases per month performed.

2. Marketing Strategy- This section includes the mission statement of the business, the objectives and goals, targeted market, the positioning of online products and services. This also involves offline marketing that will also contribute in better online position in search engines.

3. Usability Analysis and Conversion- It gives you a review on the content, usability and conversion capability of the website. Viewers should have a good experience while going through the website. You should ensure trust and confidence in the mind of the readers.

4. Implementation of Plan and Increase ROI- Proper keyword research and focusing on the website content can really help you increase the ROI and look for better position in the market.

The strategies will not only improve the visibility but through it you can also expect to get more customers. It is best solution to reach out the targeted audience and sell your products or services to them.

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Three Signs That It's Time to Hire a SEO Company

SEO, or search engine optimization, is a byproduct of the widespread popularity of the Web. It, like most online marketing services, started as an experiment by avant garde companies that used the Web to differentiate themselves as a competitor. Before the dotcom bubble burst, the preface "e" and the suffix ".com" were buzzwords in the marketing community, and it seemed that anybody was willing to call their business an online business.

Today, though, it's no longer enough to merely be online. It's now vital to the survival of your business to be discoverable online, and this is where a reliable SEO services company can help by increasing your visibility.

How do you know you need a SEO company? How do you know that your site isn't doing perfectly fine without the help of an outside party? Here are three ways to know:

You Don't Own Your Domain

Is your website in something of the format "" or similar? This means that you don't own your domain. Rather, you are renting a subdomain from another company. Usually, this means that your website and its hosting are completely free. And, unfortunately, you aren't too likely to rank well in Google if that's the case. If you have this problem, your website needs a lot of other SEO help on top of the task of migrating your site to its own domain.

Your Site Employs Keyword Stuffing, Masking or Other Search Trickery

When the Web was new, maybe you did hire a SEO consultant to get your site ranked. He probably employed tricks which are now absolutely guaranteeing that you do not rank on the first page of the site. What was once able to get by search engine algorithms has now been found and almost completely purged from the algorithm, and offenders are now punished in the search engine results pages (SERPs). If your site has any elements which are designed to trick search engines into sending irrelevant traffic, you need a new, reliable SEO services company to bring your business into modernity.

You Aren't On Social Media Networks

Today, social media marketing and SEO go hand in hand. You need to be popular on social media for Google to rank you well, but you also need a solid website. Of particular note is Google+, Google's social media outlet. Google uses Google+ as a factor in search. Clearly, if you're not on social media, then you're missing a piece of search, and your business is in dire need of a reliable SEO services company.

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Bing Rolls the Dice on Social Media

Word continues to spread about the new search that Bing will soon unveil. Drawing from the mountain of data that Facebook has made available to Microsoft, the new search will offer a customized and centralized search engine results page.

Microsoft has already been using data from Facebook likes (just as Google has been using data from the +1s), but the revamped search page will be a different vision.

The page will consist of three panels. The left panel will be the standard search results that you would expect to see. The middle panel will offer interactive features, such as maps or the ability to purchase movie tickets or reserve hotel rooms. The right panel - the pride and joy of the new look - will gather together all the relevant data from your friends on Facebook. You'll be able to see recommendations from friends, but you'll also be able to post questions for friends directly on the search page, thanks to greater integration between Bing and Facebook.

The social panel will also include relevant tweets from anyone, whether you follow them or not.

According to Bing, they found that people didn't want recommendations from their friends on social networks commingled with the standard search results. I personally agree. I've had to set my Google searches to stop that.

What makes Bing's approach so interesting is the way it separates but also brings together. It keeps standard search results and friend recommendations separate, but it then brings together the functionality of searching and interacting.

That's where I think Microsoft is on to something.

It's becoming more popular for people to turn to other software that brings together all of their social networks. You start putting together Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Tumblr, Pinterest, and any number of other social networks, and it all becomes a bit overwhelming. Each network appeals to a certain part of us, but maintaining them all takes time and effort.

Helping people maintain their social networks will continue to be a strong business model.

Although Bing isn't doing that specifically, Microsoft is building on that idea and centralizing searching and interacting. Rather than bouncing between Bing and Facebook, you can simply type questions or ask for recommendations from specific friends directly into the search page.

The key here is functionality that actually makes people's lives easier. Our quest for more connections and customization has tended to make our lives more complex.

Bing's new approach streamlines our desire for normal searching and our interest in what our friends think.

Tearing people away form Google may not be easy. It's name as become synonymous with searching, after all. But this new vision of search and social media integration is a powerful and bold move in an intriguing direction.

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